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Bruce Dettman: Lou, Just read your piece on Toni Mannix's background and family history. Great investigative work on your part.This is the stuff our field cries out for and you've delivered big time. Can't wait for further Koza scoops. bruce
Genealogy experts have stated that sometimes when birth certificates
were not available, that baptismal certificates were used to
validate locations and religious affiliations of people. If anyone
can get Toni's baptismal certificate from the diocese where she
was born, this would validate that she was indeed probably raised
as a Catholic. It would also be helpful in actually pinpointing
her birthdate because back then baptisms were held at least a
month after the birth. They did this because moms were usually
on bedrest or confined to the house for long periods of time.
I would expect nothing less from "TAC" and that is, getting at the truth. It sounds to me like the "Toni" story is again, "A way of doing things" and how the information came to you. This is something you could have not forced to happen. Please thank Serena and Jack for me. I'm sure we'll have some more discussions about all this. Good thing you and I have free long distance. Outstanding features Lou! Carl
The second article 'Relative Revelations' by yourself and Serena Enger was just incredible. It seems that the more we discover about George Reeves, his life and career, the more we realize that we do not know! 'Relative Revelations' read like a murder mystery to me with an unfinished case. Please keep researching and let us know here at the board when the 'Revelations' are updated like it was yesterday. Great work Lou and Serena at TAC!
If you read the Relative Revelations more than a day ago, I added a comment about Jerry and Joe at the bottom. It never was lost on me that Joe and Jerry were struggling from about '34 to '38 trying to find Superman a publisher. They were turned down by one after another until they hit with Action Comics. All the while George was acting at the Pasadena Community Playhouse and trying to break into the film industry. So what we have here are two worlds miles apart that would eventually come together because of Superman. The meaning of George being on a course has a far more meaning than any other person to ever play the part. Even though in reality, all things being equal it shouldn't. But it does. As I understand it, Jerry and Joe never visited the TAoS set because at the time there was some issues between them and National Comics regarding Superman. If there was a visit I'm not aware of ever reading it. The closest they came to meeting George was when Joanne and Jerry literally passed George at the doorway of National Comics, they going in and George coming out. Joanne tried to convince Jerry to catch up to George and say hello. Jerry hesitated and by the time he said OK, George was in full trot a block away with no way they'd be able to catch up. Joanne was very disappointed because she'd known George years before he ever became Superman. Thanks for the good words and I will extend your appreciation to Serena. Lou
The first time I personally, encountered the Froomess name was at this site last Sept: (click here). At that time originally, I disregarded this because I thought Toni's maiden name was indeed Lanier. Plus the fact that Eddie's 1st & late wife was named Bernice (RIP) also, caused me to think this was some sort of erroneous mix up. Now I'm not so sure. I checked some other sites (no not wickywacky), and they confirm Bernice as her original middle name. Is there documentation to prove this also? Since there seems to be a Canadian connection to Toni's ancestors/relatives. There is most probably Canadian documentation for example on her grandparents (ie mother's maiden name) and/or oldest brother, even the parents, if they lived in Canada for a while. So the mind blowing thing is that she actually had 10 siblings (maybe even more) as opposed to the one we knew about. Who died when? Was she estranged from some? Are there family members at this board? Descendants living elsewhere? -all interesting questions to fill in the blanks and give us a fuller picture. If indeed her middle name is Bernice, then was it changed not to be reminded of the original Bernice. (If so, truth is indeed stranger than fiction and Hollywood is truly the land of illusions). I came across a giant sized many paged coffee table type book on the Ziegfield Follies full of articles and pictures a while back, in a bookstore. 'Legs Lenear -the girl with the million dollar legs' was mentioned inside. At the back was a giant chart with all the ladies who had performed throughout the years, their real names followed by their stage names, and the respective years of service. I couldn't find Lanier, maybe it was under Froomess? Lanier and Antoinette are obviously french names, could she be named after someone in her family or mother's maiden name? Or is the name Antoinette modelled after someone like Antoinette Perry who married rich and was also in show business after whom the Tonys (Awards) are named. Who knows? My sincere and great congratulations again to you Lou and
Serena! looking very forward to the upcoming Mannix piece.
I just saw the link you provided for Hollywoodland. I'd never seen it before and therefore have to give them credit for including the "Froomess" name. It predates the discovery in our TAC article. If anyone in the know read that then it was greatly overlooked. In addition, I'd never heard Toni ever being referred to with the middle name "Bernice." "Antoinette," yes, but not "Bernice." That certainly has me puzzeled. Bernice is Eddie's first wife. She was from Boston, Mass. I initially didn't enter the "Antoinette" name in the article because it wasn't listed in the documents, but have since added it to the feature. In any case, it might seem Toni was intent on keeping her past history on the QT. One thing is certain, Jack wasn't aware of the "Froomess" name and he knew her as well as anyone we know of. Interesting tracking and observations you make yourself with the Ziegfeld Follies. I will extend your appreciation to Serena. And thank you
for the good words.
To all, Thank you. It is you that make this all worthwhile. Lou |
Thanks for Watching. Lou (January 14, 2007) |
The Adventures Continue (TAC) is a website devoted to George Reeves and the Adventures of Superman. All contents copyright© by Jim Nolt unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Nothing from this website may be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part (excpet for brief passaged used solely for review purposes) without the written permission of either Jim Nolt (owner) and/or Lou Koza (editor). The feature above titled Relative Revelations is the copyright and ownership of Lou Koza and cannot be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part without Mr. Koza's written permission. Superman and all related indicia are trademarks of DC Comics, Inc. and are reproduced for historical purposes only. Use of the name of any product or character without mention of trademark status should not be construed as a challenge to such status. Includes the video captures from The Adventures of Superman.