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Noel Neill in Tucson
July 2, 2011


[Editor's Note] Noel Neill made her first public appearance in over a year on July 2, 2011 at Heroes and Villains Comics in Tucson, Arizona. And get this... I didn't have to get the story from a news teletype report. No, sir. Cub reporter, Mike Goldman, was on the scene to give us this first hand report. And Mike writes in a clear, concise newspaper style that rivals that of Kid Collins. We owe Mike a debt of thanks for being there and for representing The Adventures Continue community. And now... another exciting story from the files of Mike Goldman...

It was really great to see Noel and Larry in Tucson today.

Noel Neill, July 2, 2011


Noel was appearing at Heroes And Villains Comics, and they made a special day out of it. First off, Noel looks simply wonderful, and after a year long vacation due to a broken hip, she was ready to go, from the minute she and Larry walked in the front door.

Larry Ward and Noel Neill


You would think with the temperature about 115º, people would have stayed in their homes, with the AC at full blast. But actually, there was quite a turnout at the store.

Fans line up to see Noel on July 2, 2011 in Tuscon.


The store even had a visit from Supergirl, and had a raffle drawing later in the day, for some new comic book editions.


Noel's popularity and her natural warmth not only transcends all generations young and old alike...but she transcends centuries as well. While we are all 20th century fans of hers, this is a group of her 21st century fans. That's right, these kids are not only of a new generation, but a new century as well, yet Noel's popularity endures. She is timeless.

Young fans greet Noel.


Here is a clip of a Girl Scouts troop presenting Noel with a medal for being "a positive role model, and helping save the world."


Our star reporters!
Noel Neill and Mike Goldman


(Jim. July 3, 2011)

 "Like The Only Real Magic -- The Magic Of Knowledge"