The Adventures Continue

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Page 9

If we walk from the front of the Bayou Hotel toward Sheriff Andy Taylor's house, we come to Mayberry's All Souls Church and near the end of our tour. The church can be seen clearly in the distance in the nicely composed shot of the empty streets in "The Deserted Village."
 The church as seen in "Deserted Village."
In Superman's "The Deserted Village," the church can be seen at the end of the street.
 The bus stops in front of the church in Mayberry.
The church at the end of the same street as seen on The Andy Griffith Show.

Just to the right of the church is a very familiar house. In 1951 Superman (George Reeves) walked down the front steps of this house and told Luke Benson, "The little girl's all right. She was just scared." And in the front lawn of this house and the connecting front lawn of the church, Superman first demonstrated his power to Benson and his mob by bending the rifle and hoisting him off the ground.

Superman confronts Luke Benson.
Scene from Superman and the Mole-Men

The house next to the church was also used as Doc Jessup's house in "The Deserted Village." The church and towere are right behind Peter Godfrey, the druggist when he asks, "Lose somethin'?" as Kent is looking for Doc Jessup's dead dog.

Peter Godfrey approaches Clark and Lois soon after they arrive in Cliffton by the Sea.  Ranger... dead? That's too bad. Doc thought an awful lot of that dog.

Wasn't an old dog.
Clark and Lois find Ranger dead outside Doc Jessup's house.

  Years later, the same house can be seen on My Three Sons. (This photo was previously identified as being from The Andy Griffith Show, but is in fact from an episode of My Three Sons called "Horseless Saddle."


 "Like The Only Real Magic -- The Magic Of Knowledge"